The full-length animated comedy ‘Kikoriki. Déjà Vu’ by director Denis Chernov was a nominee at the 5th IKAR National Animation Awards.
Also among the films with the most nominations was the original short film ‘Five Minutes to Sea’ by Petersburg Animation Studio director Natalia Mirzoyan.
The fifth IKAR awards ceremony will take place on 8 April at Moscow International University using the sets and style from Boris Stepantsev’s cartoon ‘Malysh i Karlson’ (Junior and Karlson).
List of Categories
Best Picture
‘FIVE MINUTES TO SEA’ (director Natalia Mirzoyan, producers Ilya Popov and Nadezhda Kuznetsova; Petersburg Animation Studio)
Best Film in Distribution
‘KIKORIKI. DEJA VU’ (director Denis Chernov, producers Ilya Popov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Dmitry Rudovsky; Petersburg Animation Studio)
Sound Design
ARTYOM FADEYEV (‘Five Minutes to Sea’)
Best Composer
Best Director
NATALIA MIRZOYAN (‘Five Minutes To the Sea’)
Best Screenwriter
NATALIA MIRZOYAN (‘Five Minutes To the Sea’)
Best Artist
NATALIA MIRZOYAN (‘Five Minutes To the Sea’)
The IKAR National Animation Award was founded in 2014 by the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, the Russian Animated Film Association (RAFA), and the Open Russian Festival of Animated Film.
‘Kikoriki. Déjà Vu’ is a feature-length film from the Riki Group and Art Pictures Studio, made by the Petersburg Animation Studio with the support of the Cinema Fund and in cooperation with Rostelekom.The Fixies on the Golden Panda award in China
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