The second season of the animated educational children’s series ‘Tommy the Little Dragon’, based on a concept by well-known writer Oleg Roi of Petersburg Animation Studio, is coming out soon.
In the continuation to the story, young viewers will meet a new protagonist, the robot Dusya. They will visit new magical lands, learn more about our surprising and varied world together with Tommy and his friends, find solutions to unusual situations, and gain a better understanding of their feelings and emotions. Viewers can look forward to many new songs and adventures in the new episodes. Aside from their living toy Tommy the Little Dragon and a soap-bubble maker called Toyroy, the little pandas Mandy and Andy will experience some new technologies. Dusya the toy robot, who operates on solar batteries, will help the kids to develop their logical thinking while she learns to tell good from bad and explores different feelings that are unfamiliar to robots.The Fixies on the Golden Panda award in China
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