The animated feature film “Kikoriki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon ”was released in Spain.
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The animated feature film “Kikoriki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon ”was released in Spain.

On September the 6th , 2019, the animated feature film “Kikoriki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon ”- the second part of the full-length franchise“ Kikoriki ” was released.
The release will take place in 30 movie theaters. Paycom Multimedia acts as a film distributor; in 2017, they already released the first part of “Kikoriki. The beginning". The film was released in Spanish (Castilian) and Catalan.

Adventure comedy “Kikoriki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon” was released in Russia in the spring of 2016, and it was watched by about one and a half million Russians. In the story, brave Kikoriki go to the very heart of the wild jungle, where dangerous adventures, ferocious natives, armed with gadgets, tomb raiders and incredible trials are waiting for them. The task is easy as a pie – they must just save the world.

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