BabyRiki brand on display at Toy & Hobby Fair in Guangzhou
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BabyRiki brand on display at Toy & Hobby Fair in Guangzhou


The Toy & Hobby Fair, an international professional exhibition of toys and products for hobbies and creative pursuits, was held in Guangzhou from 8 to 10 April 2019. Events included a presentation of the BabyRiki animated brand. Present at the event were Li Juoming, president of the Guangdong Toy Association; John Tong, chairman of the King Bee board for toy manufacturing; Diana Yurinova, general director of the Hong Kong company FUN Union; and international guests and fans of BabyRiki.

Diana Yurinova, who is responsible for international development at the Riki Group, presented the 4Q Training concept on which the animation project is based.

‘In developing BabyRiki, we took into account modern-day international methods and trends in early childhood education, including the 4Q method. That is based on intellectual development (IQ), emotional intellect (EQ), the ability to adapt to changes (AQ) and creativity (CQ). Each episode lasts 5 minutes and consists of two parts: play-based and methodological. Each episode explores a theme touched upon in the first part—things that happen to the protagonists—and re-emphasised through a methodology-based song. That makes it easy for small children to grasp a new concept,’ said Diana Yurinova.

King Bee chair John Tong introduced guests to BabyRiki brand products, and noted that joint work to launch ever more interesting, high-quality toys will continue and that their cooperation will be even more active in the coming year. BabyRiki was nominated for the ‘Most Innovative Toy of 2019’ award as part of the annual prizes for Chinese and foreign toys. This year, BabyRiki brand developmental toys will be sold at Toys R Us stores, Hamleys, and other big stores in China.

At present, the series has had over 1.5 billion views on the four main Chinese online platforms and it is regularly shown on the China Central Television Channel, CCTV.

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